Kate series mannequins reflect a high fashion, abstract appearance. Very popular with high end retailers, this design will give your merchandise the look and feel of haut couture. Features a matte white finish, classic runway poses, and abstract face and elongated hands allows your merchandise to drape elegantly. All models include a matte white round base blending with the design, bringing no attention to the support structure.
Also see Elizabeth Series Mannequins
- Sitting on a stool 5' 8" Height x 33" Chest x 24" Waist x 35" Hips
- Left arm on hip right arm bent 6' Height x 33" Chest x 24" Waist x 35" Hips
- Arms to the side 6' Height x 33" Chest x 24" Waist x 35" Hips
- Hands on hips arms back 6' Height x 33" Chest x 24" Waist x 35" Hips